Gert Mellak on the Future of SEO: Trends and Predictions with Christopher H. Loo

The world of search engine optimization is a fast-changing landscape. What once worked may no longer be relevant today. So how to keep on top in trends and predictions in SEO?

Taking a closer look at these trends and predictions about their future can be overwhelming. Luckily, Gert Mellak and Christopher H. Loo of Financial Freedom for Physicians have done just that.

Why Choose SEO?

Social media is a way to reach potential customers and create an online presence. But you shouldn’t ignore the power of SEO.

Search engine optimization still plays a big role in driving long-term organic traffic. This helps ensure that your content reaches those who are looking for it!

Moreover, search marketing is powerful, capturing people’s attention at just the right time. When someone performs an online search with Google, they’re ready to engage and learn more about what you have to offer. This means those valuable spots on page one can truly make or break your success.

How to Start with SEO?

To make an impact online, it’s all about ranking on Google page one. That is where the attention lies, and you strive to get there.

As the saying goes: “The best place to hide a dead body is on page two of Google.” So, when you set out with your SEO journey, any efforts should be focused on getting those spots on top of page one. As a result, people can find you among others who have spent considerable time and effort optimizing for similar keywords.

Let potential customers come as soon as possible by ensuring yours rank up high. This could mean more leads are coming through or boosting sales figures significantly.

SEO helps websites move up the rankings in search engines. This is done by creating content that Google wants to prioritize. Also, it includes optimizing other aspects of the website, such as linking from external sites.

Knowing these tactics can make a huge difference for businesses looking to gain visibility online!

How Do People Combine Different Marketing Channels With SEO?

When creating a brand presence and spreading the word, there are plenty of ways. 

Social media is an invaluable resource for personal or business marketing efforts. Making a positive impact on your brand is always the goal.

To achieve this, consider what users will experience from their first encounter with you. This could end up running ads, sharing content, and more can help increase visibility. However, when specific questions arise about topics, having the best answer will set you apart from your competitors.

When it comes to Amazon and Google, small businesses can successfully outrank Amazon results. This is due to having a better understanding of their target audience than Amazon. Small businesses need to focus on their strengths when competing with large companies like Amazon.

Does Leveraging Your Competitors’ Ranking Have Your Own Advantage?

It’s very common to want success without having to copy your competitors. But that doesn’t mean you can’t learn from them.

At SEOLeverage™️, we conduct what we call deep learning or research on their clients’ rivals. This is where a few hours are spent observing and noting down all the useful information, as such:

  • What kind of keywords do they want to rank for?
  • What kind of links do they get from other websites?
  • How do they present their content?
  • What’s the usability of the mobile phone?

Extracting many ideas from Google searches is often beneficial. Start with the information on what keywords to bid on and/or use competitive research. Learn from competitors and use their terms, then optimize from there for a head start.

Why is Your website not Ranking?

When it comes to SEO and ranking, having an interesting idea on social media isn’t enough. What people find engaging there might not translate into a blog post that Google will rank highly. Google wants something someone is specifically searching for, after all!

SEO success requires content to answer a specific query people are searching for. You should work backward from the goal of collecting leads. Plus, consider what kind of content people need to see in order to make that conversion happen.

Content should be tailored to Google’s understanding of an audience’s needs. Otherwise, it may not rank or convert well.

Converting Visitors Into Leads and Sales

Understanding the customer buying cycle is key to success in sales. It may only take one engagement for some customers, but others may require multiple touches over time.

Make sure that all traffic coming to a website is relevant. That is, irrelevant traffic does not convert into leads or sales. You can leverage software and an app like the SEOLeverage™️ app to track KPIs from Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

You need to open up the app and see where the traffic comes in and how it converts.

SEO Common Mistakes

Here are some mistakes in SEO.

  • Expect something to rank that’s not SEO worthy
  • Underestimate the impact on the user
  • Ignore the importance of links from our website or backlinks

To ensure topics are SEO-worthy, it’s recommended that a few thousand dollars be spent each month on tools. Additionally, understanding user experience and how readers will consume content is critical. Remember, Google will not rank it well if the format does not prioritize modern readers who skim content rather than reading from top to bottom.

Moreover, link building with high-authority websites increases trust with Google. This could also help promote SEO efforts.

Wrap Up

If you’re looking to make your site work better for SEO, head over to SEOLeverage™️. You’ll get an in-depth look at what can be done for your site when you schedule a call with Gert. Plus, don’t forget about my downloadable guide too!

The key to understanding SEO is to view it as a converse. This is more important than the source of the numbers of traffic, which are often irrelevant.

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