Double traffic in 6 months

What we found

When we started on this site, the project's SEO was essentially non-existent. Our client in the e-commerce space had been dabbling in some SEO work but was jumping around from one tactic to the next one - mostly based on the latest input their marketing team had been getting from watching youtube and TikTok videos about SEO.

The problem with that is that, although it may be good advice in general, whatever you find is "good for SEO" might not be the right thing for where your site's situation is right now, and also doesn't factor in your competitive landscape.

What we did

First of all, we needed to know what exactly we were dealing with. For this purpose, a full SEO site audit was performed after an initial briefing call.

The audit comprises multiple phases: From a general analysis of the site and its competitive landscape, to UX tests and EEAT checks, over to an audience research and content gap analysis to figure out which pieces of content might be missing completely on the site, from which competitors are already driving leads and sales.

One of the most important aspects here was the content audit. In a content audit, all pages on a website are tested and their main KPIs are established. This tells you exactly how much Google values (and shows) different pages on the site.

In this particular case, a lot of the pages were practically invisible and needed to be pruned from the site or merged / redirected with existing other articles.

The next phase of the site audit handles all the technical (onpage) elements that are necessary for Google to be able to properly index your website. While we didn't find any major issues, we uncovered huge potential in structured data / schema codes, which were almost completely absent from this project.

Structured data makes it easy for engines like Google to process your content and specifically understand every single page's purpose.

After the audit was finished, in a debriefing call we lined up the suggested actions, together with a project plan over the following months.

Our SEOLeverage team then quickly started to work through the actions established, and was soon able to report the first elements that were making progress.

What results we achieved

This site specifically went from about 3,500K estimated traffic up to more than 6K average traffic within 5-6 months.

Within a few weeks after starting the implementation process, SEOLeverage could also report to the site owner the first results:

  • lead generation after adding some lead magnets and improved CRO (conversion rate optimization)
  • rankings from page 2 making their way to page 1
  • rankings from farther behind in Google, making major steps forward to pages 5 and 6

If you'd like to find a way to consistently move your site's SEO to the top to get more traffic, leads and sales through this amazing channel, send an e-mail to [email protected] or book yourself into our schedule.

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