How to Revive a Website That's Losing Traffic

Website search traffic is an integral part of a business in the digital era. When your website ranks first in search results, it has the potential to generate more leads. These leads may turn into sales. People would know the products you offer and how to buy them.

On the other hand, you lose a lot when your website gets low organic traffic and flunk at search rankings. You won’t be that visible on search engines. You’ll lose the opportunity to gain more leads.

But there’s always a solution to every problem. You can still bring a low-traffic website back to life with effective strategies. This case study explores the steps site owners should take to revive a website that’s losing traffic.

What We Found:

Our Findings 

The website has a lot of content, but there are several pages that are not getting traction. 

Key Observations

  1. The domain is not ranking for competitive keywords relevant to its niche.
  2. There are a lot of URLs with high impressions but low CTRs (clickthrough rates).
  3. The site needs technical adjustments for good site health and better user experience.

What We Did:

Our Approach 

We checked the website and applied integrative strategies to generally improve the performance of the domain on search.

The Steps We Took

To enhance the overall performance of the domain, the following recommendations were applied: 

  1. Implemented keyword research to determine the competitive and BOFU (bottom-of-funnel) keywords in the client’s niche.
  2. New content is continuously written by targeting the competitive words and BOFU keywords from the keyword and topic research.
  3. Content optimization included updates to meta titles, meta descriptions, H1s, and alt texts.
  4. 404 pages and internal links pointing to them and HTTPS pages linking to HTTP pages are checked and addressed.
  5. Sitemap URLs were verified. Robots.txt file was updated.
  6. CTA buttons were added to the hero section and homepage.

What Results We Achieved:

We checked Ahrefs and noticed an increase in organic traffic when the client’s team started to actively implement our recommendations.

The red rectangle covers the period when suggestions and recommendations began to be implemented. We are closely monitoring this client’s domain, and it shows that the traffic is improving.

From September 4-10, 2023, the traffic was recorded at just above 400. More than two months later, from November 27-29, 2023, the average traffic almost hit 800. The traffic in November is close to the traffic in June.


Reviving a website with little traffic is a tough task. But it doesn’t have to be when you implement the right strategies. Just find relevant keywords, update your titles and descriptions, improve your headings, add call-to-action buttons, and you’re good to go.

Learn more about reviving low-traffic websites by booking a call with us today!

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