10x Search traffic in only 15 months

What we found

This online course website started out with a lot of blog content that wasn't driving traffic or leads.

The main reason is, that the content was written to be shared on social media
but was never intended to specifically rank well.

The client was just expecting Google to somehow pick up that it's great content and find a way to bring it in front of people (something that unfortunately doesn't work that way).

What we did

First of all, we ran a full SEO audit to establish technical issues on the site, and specifically audit the content - which parts Google was actually showing in search, and which parts they completely ignored.

We also looked into the sites backlinks - links from other websites in their industry, and how we can better leverage link building in order to drive more relevance.

What results we achieved

After the site was audited in March 2022, our client organized their team and resources and started working with us 2-3 months later.

Our immediate focus was to create content the ideal client would actually be searching for online, leveraging the keyword research from the site audit, but also an additional online market research and the information from our conversations with the client about who would be a great fit.

The content was created in a strategic way, internally linked together in a way that Google and other search engines could clearly identify the context in which articles should be ranking.

Our link building team reached out to bloggers in the industry, managing to publish a series of original articles we put together, which then linked to our client's home page + internal articles.

The strategic internal linking mentioned before made sure that authority could now flow effortlessly throughout the entire site structure.

The entire SEOLeverage team has been having a great time working on this project and hand-in-hand with our client and their team, and we're looking forward to seeing how much further we can bring this 10x success!

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