The Moving Target of SEO with James Schramko

SEO is different than other channels.
And I'm no expert in social media ads.
Nor especially gifted with video ads.
I do know a thing or two about Google Ads though ...
... but I digress.
SEO is different as you are aiming at a moving target.
What this means is:
While basic best practices have been the same for years,
the nitty-gritty stuff changes.
All the time.
If you haven't noticed:
Right now, we are going through the rollout of the December 2020 Core Google Update.

(On one of those CORE updates, we helped one of my favorite clients recover a 70% ranking drop some time ago).

SEO changes, which means your tactics need to change as well.

As a result, my friend and mentor James Schramko from SuperFastBusiness kindly invited me to speak about ongoing SEO work ...
... and how you can go about it on your site!
Listen in to the show over here:

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