Drive Local Traffic: Optimize Your Business for SEO Success with James Schramko

Any business that wants to be on top must have an online presence. But, before achieving that, you must improve your online platforms. Having a website or social media page alone is not enough.

Recently, there has been much discussion surrounding paid ads and artificial intelligence. Despite this, many experts, including Gert, concur that SEO remains important for online strategy.

Join Gert together with James Schramko to discuss how SEO works in your local business.

How Local SEO Works

During a chat, James relates his story about a purchase he made at a nearby business. He found a few local stores selling comparable products on the internet. That makes him question if smaller companies are able to outrank competitors in search results by using smart SEO strategies.

According to Gert, consumers looking for local goods or services account for over half of all searches. There are several categories to which these search terms may belong.

Gert further pointed out that 80% of these localized searches result in conversions to sales. He also mentioned how crucial it is to think about building a powerful local online presence. Making this move can improve and establish connections within specific geographic areas.

SEO's Impact on Local Businesses

James preferred a local camera store over Amazon for quick accessibility. This highlights difficulties in locating those shops digitally.

Gert suggested that implementing local SEO tactics increases visibility during searches. It also helps to compete with renowned brands and huge players like Amazon.

Additionally, Gert once worked with a client whose idea of a functioning website depends on one that exists and operates. Gert clarifies that there’s a contrast between operational capacity and actual efficacy.

Unfortunately, many businesses remain ignorant about their site traffic sources. As a consequence, they risk allocating financial resources to inefficient promotional strategies.

To tackle this issue, Gert starts by guiding local businesses and granting access to data

How Gert Helps Businesses

Gert helps businesses grow through a data-driven approach focused on three key areas:

  • Identifying and fixing digital strategy gaps. He uses tools like dashboards to expose weaknesses. It also helps businesses to understand and manage their online presence. 
  • Correcting misaligned SEO. Gert tackles outdated or irrelevant keywords businesses rank for. This improves audience targeting and provides insights into customer search behavior.
  • Embracing data-driven change. He encourages integrating online and offline data to optimize marketing efforts. This also helps to drive customer engagement.

Moreover, James emphasizes the importance of understanding your starting point. He compares it to a gym checkup before starting a fitness routine. James recommends SEO audits as a valuable tool for this initial assessment.

SEO audits provided by SEOLeverage evaluate your website's strengths and pinpoint weak spots. Leveraging expert guidance from these audits lets you optimize your digital presence.

Can You Compete Against Market Leaders?

Local businesses can compete with major brands by leveraging personalized customer service. Google favors local businesses offering quality and relevant content for local searches.

Focus on leads from specific local searches, not just competitor strategies. Moreover, beware of shiny new social media trends distracting from established marketing strategies. Daily video creation platforms like TikTok may not be necessary for all businesses.

Local businesses need to align with search engines and not be left behind.

The Benefits of Niche Marketing

Businesses might be neglecting established marketing strategies like SEO. They’re more focused on new social media platforms and trends. But, these newer platforms may not be as consistent or effective in generating leads.

Here are the things you need to do:

  • Focus on local search. Leads from active searches for local services are considered the best type. Businesses should focus on local SEO to capture these valuable leads.
  • Niche marketing and specialization. Focusing on a niche allows businesses to become experts and stand out in a crowded market. This can lead to better Google rankings, visibility, and trust.
  • Power of reputation and word-of-mouth. Local communities rely heavily on recommendations and online reviews. Businesses can leverage positive word-of-mouth and organic listings on Google to build trust.

Consumers often research businesses by reading both positive and negative reviews before making a decision. Providing excellent service and building a strong online reputation is crucial for success.

Do Google Reviews Matter?

The exposure and local SEO ranking of a business are enhanced by Google reviews. Building your online presence includes creating a Google Business Profile.

Remember that real feedback may be distinguished from false reviews by Google algorithms. They frequently use users' past physical location data to validate them.

Don't try to trick Google into giving you more traffic or reviews than you deserve. Sincere comments from clients are the most valuable.


If you’re a local business looking to optimize its online presence, don't try to appear like a national chain. Embrace your local identity. This consistency helps Google associate your brand with its specific location. Plus, it boosts your local SEO.
Ready to improve your website? Gert offers a "quick wins analysis" to help businesses audit their local SEO practices. This custom report is based on thoroughly examining your website's SEO aspects.

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