Double Your Google Traffic in 6 Months by Recovering Your Rankings with James Schramko

Is your website buried in Google’s graveyard? It’s not too late to rank it!

Gert Mellak, an SEO expert, and James Schramko will share a case study that will double your website traffic in just six months. Gert did it for a client by rediscovering and amplifying their existing Google rankings.

Get ready to dive deep into:

  • Winning SEO strategies that Gert implemented
  • Benefits and potential downsides of content built for long-term SEO dominance
  • Quick SEO fixes and emphasizes the importance of long-term commitment

Tune in and implement your website’s hidden SEO potential and watch your traffic skyrocket.

Does Evergreen Content Really Work?

Do you think your content will stay fresh forever? Think again!

Evergreen content needs regular updates to remain relevant and visible. Even neglecting aspects like layout, design, and detail placement can leave valuable content forgotten. This impacts Google's rankings.

James points out the danger of chasing trendy tactics like YouTube fame at the expense of core strategies like SEO. Gert agrees, highlighting the vulnerability businesses face when relying on a single platform.

As an SEO expert, Gert implements SEO strategies to help their clients’ websites rank high. One of these is to leverage existing content. Gert suggested that you should continuously measure success across various channels.

James’ team uses a “stop-start-continue” approach to identify and maintain focus on effective strategies. This helps them avoid underestimating valuable, long-term approaches like SEO.

Should You Invest Your Time and Effort in SEO?

With AI on the rise, Gert Mellak argues that SEO isn’t just relevant; it’s essential. Search engines now rely on structured data and consistent brand messaging to interpret content. Businesses that neglect SEO risk misrepresentation and missed opportunities.

Here are things you can implement:

  • Consistent brand messaging and structured data ensure search engines understand you.
  • Combine SEO for organic reach with Google Ads for targeted testing and user retargeting.
  • Know your keyword traffic and campaign effectiveness to allocate resources.
  • Build trust and conversions by dominating search results.

Gert’s client noticed declining leads and a stagnant YouTube channel despite seemingly relevant content. Digging deeper, data revealed that there’s a hidden issue with their search marketing. To diagnose the problem, Gert’s team employs a data-driven approach. They build a scorecard, analyzing content, user experience, and ranking factors.

Less is More When it Comes to SEO

Websites accumulating content over time need a good clean up!

Categorizing, analyzing, and merging overlapping information is key. Think of it like decluttering your house: a streamlined website is easier for both users and Google to navigate. That’s why redesigns can be exciting.

But beware of hidden dangers. Usability issues and broken links can lurk, as can forgetting to remove “no index” commands.

Gert recommends these simple ways:

  • Using a structured approach with frameworks for safe migrations and relaunches. 
  • Using tools like Google Search Console to see what truly matters.
  • During migrations, retain as much as possible to minimize disruption and protect your website’s performance.

Remember, even minor changes can impact Google’s view, so experienced guidance is crucial. If you’re not sure where to start, experts like SEOLeverage can help you. With their ERICA framework and SEOLeverage app, you can check your website performance in real-time.

The Process

Launching a new website is just the beginning. Gert warns that Google updates frequently, demanding ongoing SEO efforts. A temporary dip in performance after relaunch is normal. You can use Google Ads or other strategies to bridge the gap.

The key to sustained success lies in constant adaptation and refinement. Analyze rankings and update content based on trends and Google’s preferences. You can build a strong link-building strategy. While existing links may not need immediate changes, ensuring redirects for old URLs and building new relevant links is important.

Gert’s client achieved doubled traffic in six months, and there’s potential for even more growth. This is because of the improved design and user experience. 

Constant effort and adaptation are key to staying ahead of Google’s changes.

How to Get Conversions and Improve Brand Awareness

Gert emphasizes SEO’s long-term value, unlike quick fixes that can be unsustainable. So, who needs an SEO boost?

See if you have these issues on your website:

  • declining performance
  • rich content but underperforming potential

Gert’s scorecard tool can provide a quick assessment, while deeper audits reveal hidden issues and potential. SEO boosts brand awareness, which is often underestimated. Remember, increased traffic leads to more branded searches and conversions. Even in 2023, SEO remains crucial for online visibility and growth.

Artificial Intelligence and Branding

The rise of AI in search and chat tools like Bard presents both opportunities and challenges for brands:

Common opportunities are:

  • Enhanced search accuracy
  • Content generation

Some challenges are:

  • Bias and misinformation
  • Brand control
  • AI-Driven reputation management

While AI offers search and content creation possibilities, brands must be aware of the potential pitfalls. The overlap between AI and reputation management is growing. Gert warns that AI tools will inevitably use online brand mentions.


Boost your website traffic and conversions with the power of SEO! James and Gert, experts in the field, share key takeaways:

  • Start with a scorecard.
  • Google search traffic brings users who feel they’ve made independent decisions.
  • Users trust and engage more when they find information organically.

Ready to take action?

Get your SEO consultation with Gert Mellak. You get expert guidance and results with their ERICA Framework and SEOLeverage app. Don’t miss out on the organic traffic and conversion magic that SEO can bring!

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