What Is Website Structure? Definition and How It Works

A website's primary goal is to provide helpful information in an understandable manner. Users can find the information dispersed across the various internal website pages. A website structure defines a site architecture for both search engines and users.

The site structure refers to how all the different pages of the website are linked to one another. Internal links are helpful for building site structure because they show search engine algorithms the hierarchy and layout of your website.

This article will further explain website structure, including the following topics:

  • Definition of website structure
  • Different types of website structure
  • Elements of a good site structure

What Is Website Structure?

Website structure, also known as site architecture, refers to the proper structure of how the different site pages are linked through internal links and their hierarchy.

The website architecture governs how content is organized, linked, and presented to users. A well-designed website structure can make navigating your site more accessible for website visitors. Additionally, it also helps Google to index your URLs better.

Site structure is a significant factor in search engine optimization. SEOLeverage™️ can help you create an effective SEO strategy. If you plan to build a website structure or enhance your existing site, consult with the experts from SEOLeverage™️.

Importance of Website Structure

A good website structure can help your website in many ways. The main benefits of having a website with a good structure are listed below.

Enhances user experience

A good site structure can improve user experience by providing visitors with the information they need while making navigation to other relevant pages simple.

Streamlining content management

Making an orderly site structure allows you to track your site pages easily. Website structures make it easier to find duplicate content and identify important pages that may be missing from your site.

Improves search engine rankings

A well-structured website allows easy navigation for users and crawlers, improving your website's SEO ranking in search engines.

It is easier for search engine crawlers to find and understand your pages if they are linked to relevant pages on the same or similar topics.

Boost your search engine rankings with the help of SEOLeverage™️.

4 Different Web Structure Types

You could use the following web structure types in UX design.

1) Hierarchical structure

The most prominent site structure is the hierarchical website structure, based on a single parent page (the main page) and child sites (categories and subcategories) that run from the main page.

2) Sequential structure

This structure is also called linear website structure. This one is best suited for websites with a straightforward layout and a manageable number of pages. It works best if a website doesn't need subcategories.

This model often includes a home page, a main page, or a landing page.

3) Matrix structure

The matrix model is also known as the webbed model. It is named after the visual representation of a website structure it generates, a web of landing pages.

This structure links all parent pages to subpages and the main page, allowing users to access everything with a few clicks.

Online newspapers and e-commerce websites frequently have matrix site structures.

4) Database model

In contrast to the hierarchical model, the database model constructs the website from the ground up. The website's structure is outlined by the model using taxonomies and metadata.

This model allows users to create their own unique website experience as they navigate the internal pages.

What Is the Best Structure for Your Website?

Make sure to consider the following when deciding your site’s website structure:

User JourneyUser experience is a huge factor in web design. It is essential to consider how your users perceive and interact with your site before deciding which approach to use in your site structure.
ContentThe form and quantity of content on your website will also significantly impact your website's structure. Different types of websites have specific content for target viewers.
ContextA website's context is determined by its organizational objectives, cultural context, and available resources. You should keep this factor in mind as you build your website.

Elements of a Good Website Structure

Generally, hierarchical structures based on main and subcategory pages are considered good website structures. Here are a few of its key factors:


The homepage is the main page in your website hierarchy and the primary destination from which users navigate your website.

Ensure that all of your website's important pages are linked to this page. The menu or main navigation of your website represents the relationship between your homepage and the main category pages.


The navigation or menu of your website assists visitors in understanding the logical structure of your website. It is best to carefully categorize every page so users can quickly find the needed information.

You can use the following tips for developing good navigation:

  • Use brief phrases or even just one word for each element.
  • Use straightforward language that users will understand.
  • Avoid clogging up your navigation with site links.

Individual web pages

Individual pages and blogs on your website must be organized appropriately for the target audience. Organized individual pages can help users quickly find the content they need.

The best way to arrange the information on individual web pages is by using the following:

TagsTags serve the purpose of organizing similar content on your website. Tags are like categories, but they differ in terms of hierarchy. 
Categories have a hierarchy, whereas tags do not and cannot be divided into subcategories.
Breadcrumb Trails A breadcrumb trail adds navigation to your website's posts and pages. It has clickable links that show users your website's structure and allows them to view different posts on the site.
Contextual linksA contextual link directs users to other relevant content on the website. These links can be used in blogs to direct users to other posts with similar content.

An effective site structure must be well-planned. SEOLeverage™️ offers personalized SEO plans that will benefit your business.

Tips To Improve Your Website Structure

Here are a few tips on enhancing your site's structure.

  • Update your content, including internal and external links.
  • Evaluate your categories and group them accordingly.
  • Conduct keyword research at each stage of the website's structure development process to optimize all pages.
  • Limit the number of links on your pages to a reasonable amount.
  • Enhance your internal linking structure.

SEOLeverage™️ offers SEO link services that can provide high-quality backlinks to increase your site authority and search engine rankings.

Integrate Website Structure Into Your Web Design

Web structure refers to how information is organized and linked on a website. It is an essential aspect of SEO that can benefit users and search engine crawlers in their navigation.

Your site will become cluttered as you add more posts or pages. It is best to neatly organize it so your visitors and search engines can all find what they're searching for.