What are Related Searches?

Google related searches are search queries at the bottom of a search engine results page (SERP) pertaining to a keyword you type. These related keywords are selected based on Google’s algorithm of what users do and popular Google trends around your search query.

Google also features a section titled "People also search for.” This appears when you click on a search result and then return to the Google search results page. The "People also search for" section offers suggestions like those found in related searches.

Why are Related Searches Important in SEO?

Related searches support SEO by providing user preferences and user intents when searching for a keyword. If you’re doing SEO, they show queries that your website still needs to cover. This helps you add relevant content that is useful and valuable to users.

Using Related Searches for Keyword Research

Keyword research is an important part of SEO. It helps you find which keywords are best to write content about, and related searches are one of the easiest ways to find relevant keywords.

Incorporating keywords from popular searches can boost your site's SEO. Think about it: search engines are all about connecting users with what they're looking for. When you weave in a popular search term, your content gets a better shot at climbing up SERPs, pulling in more organic visitors. 

But it's not about cramming in a ton of keywords. It's more about writing content that is helpful and useful to your audience.

Enhancing Content Strategy

Think about the power of relevance. When visitors find your site and see that your content aligns with what they're curious about, they're more likely to stick around. They'll spend more time reading, clicking through your pages, and engaging with what you have to offer. 

This isn't about keeping them on the page longer; it's about creating a connection. Your content becomes a go-to resource that answers their questions. When users find your content helpful and on-point, they will likely come back for more. 

It builds a loyal audience, increases your site's credibility, and, of course, boosts your online presence. Related searches help you in doing more than optimizing content for search engines. You're writing them based on what your audience needs, making your site a hub of information that they trust and value. You’re creating content that's not just seen but remembered and revisited.

Improving User Experience

Understanding related searches can improve your website for users. Tailoring your content to these searches addresses your audience's needs, making your site more engaging and useful. This relevance encourages visitors to spend more time on your site and interact more with your offerings, enhancing their experience.


Related searches are much more than suggestions you see at the bottom of a search results page. They help figure out what users are looking for and how they think. When you look at these searches, you better understand what words or phrases to use in your content. 

By using related searches, you can create content that’s more relevant and interesting to your audience. It isn't about using the right keywords; it's about understanding the questions or topics your audience cares about.