Header Tags: How to Optimize for Search Engines

Header tags optimized for SEO can boost website traffic and visibility. Header tags are HTML elements used to indicate headings and subheadings on web pages. It allows users and search engines to quickly understand what information is contained on the page. 

By optimizing these headers with relevant keywords, for example, you can guarantee that your content stands out from competitors, helping it rank higher in search results.

This post will help you learn the following:

  • How to create header tags
  • How to use them for SEO

Use Heading Tags To Provide Structure

Header tags are used to structure information on a web page, breaking up text and making it easier for readers to find what they’re looking for. It also makes a website look more organized and professional. 

Generally, you should have one H1 tag at the top of the page (this is usually the title tag) and avoid using identical content on the page's H1 tag and meta title tag.

SEOLeverage optimizes header tags for SEO. Their professionals will assess your website and advise on header tag structure for SEO. 

Always Include An H1 Tag

Always include H1 tags on your page. This is the best technique to tell search engines about the page. 

If there’s no H1 tag in the post title, search engines won’t know where to start in understanding the content of your page. Plus, readers won’t know what the page is about either.

Include Keywords In the Header Tag

You must have an H1 tag at the top of your page, but you can also use additional header tags. If you're writing about SEO, you might use an H1 tag, and a few header tags provide structure, like H2 tags and H3 tags. 

Make sure to use your target keyword in the header tags. Including keywords in your heading gives Google's algorithm an idea of what your page is about, and it will help to maximize your search rankings.

SEOLeverage's professionals know how to effectively structure header tags for SEO, ensuring that your target keyword is included and the page structure makes sense.

Be Concise and Accurate

When creating your header tags, make sure they accurately reflect the content of the page. Don’t use overly long or complicated headings or HTML tags that don’t match up with the content. 

This will confuse both search engines and readers. Also, try to keep them concise and easy to understand.

Avoid Stuffing Keywords

While using keywords in your header tags is important, you should avoid keyword stuffing. This means writing long headers and title tags that are filled with keywords for the sake of SEO but don’t accurately reflect what the page is about. 

Search engine results pages are based on relevance, so if your header tags are full of irrelevant keywords, chances are your page won’t rank highly, and readers will be confused.

Pay Attention to Usability

When optimizing your header tags, don’t forget about usability. It’s important that they not only help with SEO but also make it easier for readers to navigate the page and understand what it is about. 

Make sure the headings are easily readable and make sense in relation to the heading tag structure and the content of the page.


Optimizing your header tags for SEO can help you get better search engine rankings. Make sure to use your target keyword in the headers, keep them concise and accurate, avoid keyword stuffing, and pay attention to usability.

With these tips, you’ll be able to maximize your blog post’s SEO potential and rank higher in searches. If you want even more help, book a call with SEOLeverage today to get started on your SEO journey.