Gated Content

What Is Gated Content?

Gated content is any content requiring website visitors to provide personal information in exchange for access. Blog posts, videos, PDFs, eBooks, white papers, webinars, or anything else that requires registration before viewing are gated content examples.

Gating content aims to capture more leads by asking landing page visitors to provide their contact information to gain access. A gated content strategy works because it allows businesses to track who accessed their content and when.

Why Use Gated Content?

Gated content is a lead-generation and content-marketing strategy to help build relationships with potential customers. By asking visitors for their contact information, you can create valuable lead lists and segment them according to their interests or needs. This makes it easier for you to create landing pages with relevant offers and promotions tailored just for them.

Additionally, gated content allows you to track user engagement with your blog post, product demos, or service. This can be helpful when making decisions about product development or marketing campaigns.

How to Create Gated Content

Creating gated content is not as hard as it may seem – all you need is a form builder and an email marketing platform.

From there, you can design a lead capture form that asks visitors for their name, email address, phone number, etc., in exchange for access to your gated content. Once your forms are set up and linked with your email marketing platform, you will be able to generate leads and track user engagement in no time!