
What is Bingbot?

Bingbot is the web crawler or web spider employed by Microsoft's search engine, Bing, to index and gather information from websites across the internet. This automated software, also known as a web crawler or bot, plays a critical role in the search engine's operation by systematically exploring web pages, following links, and collecting data about the content and structure of websites.

Bingbot's primary purpose is to search the web and record HTML files in the Bing index to be included in Bing's search results.

The SEOLeverage app can provide a deeper insight into your site's current performance.

Some Key Points About Bingbot

  • Crawling and Indexing. Bingbot's main task is to crawl and index web pages. It does this by visiting websites, reading the content, and storing information about the pages in Bing's database. This enables Bing to provide relevant search results when users enter queries.
  • Frequency. Bingbot continuously scans the web. It revisits websites at varying intervals based on factors such as the site's content freshness, importance, and update frequency. More frequently updated and relevant sites are crawled more often.
  • Respect for Robots.txt. Website owners can control Bingbot's access to their sites using a file called "robots.txt." This file can instruct the bot on which parts of the site to crawl and which to avoid. It allows website owners to manage their site's accessibility to search engine crawlers.
  • Crawl budget. Like other web crawlers, Bingbot has a limited crawl budget, which is the number of pages it can crawl on a website within a given timeframe. Bing allocates its crawl budget based on a site's authority, quality, and other factors.
  • User-Agent. When Bingbot visits a website, it identifies itself to the web server using a User-Agent string that includes the term "Bingbot." The new user agent gives more information that website administrators can use to monitor and analyze Bingbot's activity on their site.
  • Website ranking. The information collected by Bingbot is used by Bing's search algorithms to determine how websites should be ranked in search results. The more relevant and high-quality a website's content is, the better its chances of appearing prominently in Bing's search results.

How to Leverage Bingbot to Rank Better

Leveraging Bingbot to improve your website's ranking on the Bing search engine involves optimizing your site for search and ensuring that Bingbot can effectively crawl, index, and understand your content.

Here are some key steps to help you rank better on Bing and how the SEOLeverage app can provide details on which areas in your pages should be improved:

Quality content creation. Create informative, high-quality, engaging, and valuable content for your target audience. Bing values content that is original, relevant, and authoritative.

Keyword Research. Identify the terms or phrases your audience is searching for. Use these keywords strategically in your content, including titles, headings, and throughout the body.

On-Page optimization. Optimize your pages for search engines by ensuring proper meta tags (title tags, meta descriptions), URL structure, and header tags (H1, H2, etc.).

Mobile-friendly design. Your website should be responsive and mobile-friendly. Bing, like Google, values mobile-friendly sites and may rank them higher in mobile search results.

Page speed and performance. Improve your site's loading speed and performance. Faster websites often rank better in search results. Compress images, minify code, and use content delivery networks (CDNs) if necessary.

User Experience (UX). Create a user-friendly website with clear navigation, well-organized content, and a logical site structure. Good UX leads to lower bounce rates and higher rankings.

Link building. Build backlinks from reputable sites within your niche. Quality matters more than quantity - focus on acquiring natural and relevant links.

Technical SEO. Ensure your website is technically sound. This includes having a secure HTTPS connection, fixing broken links (404 errors), and creating an XML sitemap to help Bing crawlers discover your pages.

XML Sitemap. Submit XML sitemaps to Bing Webmaster Tools. This helps Bingbot understand the structure of your site and ensures all pages are indexed.

Bing Webmaster Tools. Verify your website in Bing Webmaster Tools and use it to monitor your site's performance, resolve crawl errors, and gain insights into how Bingbot interacts with your site. Note that this inspection tool has now switched to the new Bingbot user agent.

Content updates. Regularly update or optimize your content to keep it relevant and current. Bing values fresh content.

Social signals. Engage on social media platforms to create social signals. Though the direct impact of social signals on search rankings is debated, a strong social presence can indirectly boost your online visibility.

Monitor analytics. Keep an eye on your website's analytics to track your performance in Bing search results. Analyze which strategies are working and make adjustments accordingly.

Other than Bingbot, Bing also operates BingPreview for generating page snapshots and AdIdxBot for Bing Ads.

To rank better, we have a team of SEO experts who can help you. But remember that SEO is an ongoing process, and it may take time to see significant improvement in your rankings. Consistency, quality, and relevance are key factors that the Bing crawler considers when ranking websites. By optimizing your website for Bingbot user agents and investing in SEOLeverage services, you can increase your chances of ranking better in Bing's search results.