3 Easy Steps to Boost Your Shopline SEO

Have you heard about Shopline, the rising star in the world of e-commerce platforms?

Shopline is the perfect solution for people wanting to launch their online store but don't want to deal with all the hassles of coding. Though they aren’t as big as e-commerce giants like Shopify and WooCommerce, Shopline has been around since 2013 and has become the top choice for over 350,000 brands worldwide.

Unlike other e-commerce platforms, Shopline has a bag full of tricks appealing to all sorts of businesses. It has B2B features, dropshipping with AliExpress, livestreaming, and even social media integrations. It's like a Swiss Army knife for growing your business in more ways than you can count.

But like all other websites, you’d want to optimize it for SEO. So in this nifty guide, we’ll discuss:

  • How to set up Shopline SEO fields to ensure your shop gets right in front of your target market’s radar
  • How to ensure your website is easy to navigate not just for visitors but also for other search engines
  • How to optimize high-quality content that drives organic traffic back to your site

Ready? Keep on reading!

Set Up Your Fields for SEO

In Shopline, you have the following fields to fill in to optimize your SEO.

Title Field

Think of the title as your page's first impression. This is what pops up in search results and browser tabs. The goal is to get customers to click, so make it catchy.

If you have ongoing sales and events, make sure to highlight your event, discount offers, and product features in your title field.


The introduction is your sneak peek because it shows up in SERPs and on social media. The goal is to give potential customers a taste of what's behind the click.

But because of the word limit, it’s best to keep it snappy and spill the beans on your product's selling points, event details or have a catchy sound bite. 


Why are keywords important in Shopline SEO? Even though customers won't see the keywords you set, they help search engines understand your shop. When someone types words related to your page, the engine wants to match them up. That's where ranking happens. 

So, to boost your page rankings, be smart when choosing keywords and do the following:

Define your website goals to know what you’re aiming for.

Figure out who you want on your page, what content you're showcasing, or what products you're selling. This clarity will help you lock in on the keywords that matter.

Generate a keyword list.

Start with your website's theme and jot down all the keywords that pop into your head. Peek at what your competitors are up to and snatch some of their keywords. Tools like Google Keyword Planner and SEMrush can be your trusty sidekicks in this task.

Select keywords.

Pick keywords with a decent search volume, and steer clear of the overly competitive ones. Longer keywords might have less competition, but they often bring in a higher conversion rate.

Use your keywords throughout the page.

Drop those keywords like breadcrumbs across your page – in headings, paragraphs, and tags. Just don't go overboard, as too many keywords can make you look spammy. 

Remember, balance is key.

Monitor the performance of your keywords.

Keyword optimization isn't a one-time thing – it's a continuous effort. Once you start, keep an eye on how your keywords are performing. 

Trends change, data evolves, so you might need to add, tweak, or bid farewell to certain keywords.

Descriptive (SEO-Friendly) URL

Last but not least, your URL should also act as a signpost for your site visitors. Keep the language in English for search engine clarity. 

SEOLeverage can help you set up your SEO fields, from coming up with the title field down to the keywords that could help you rank high in the search engine results.

Ensure Proper Website Structure and Navigation

If you want to help search engines easily index the content on your Shopline website, you need to have an organized website that’s easy to navigate. 

To do this, ensure you have the following:

Simple Navigation Bar

It should be quick to understand and contain links to the main and sub-pages. 

Ditch the fancy words in favor of clarity. Simple labels are the key, not jargon that will only confuse potential buyers.

Clearly Structured Website

Think hierarchy — each page should have a clear classification so that it doesn’t appear messy to search engines. 

You need to set up the SEO on the product, category, and page levels. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set them up on Shopline:

Product Page

  1. Head to [Products & Categories] > [Products].
  2. Pick the product and hit Edit.
  3. In the Edit tab, choose Search Engine Optimization.
  4. Drop in your title, product description, target keywords, and URL.
  5. If you're multilingual, set it up for both versions.
  6. Click Update to save.

Product Category

  1. Go to [Products and Categories] > [Categories].
  2. Hit Edit for the category you're eyeing.
  3. Click Update to save the changes.

Text Page

  1. Go to [Online Store Design] > [Pages].
  2. Edit the page you want to tweak.
  3. Click the Update button to save.

Advanced Page

  1. Navigate to [Online Store Design] > [Pages].
  2. Edit the advanced page you want to change.
  3. Click the blue Build button, then go into SEO settings.
  4. Tap Update to save.

Express Checkout Page

  1. Go to [Online Store Design] > [Express Checkout Pages].
  2. Edit the chosen page.
  3. Click the Build button, then tap SEO settings.
  4. Click Update to save.

Promotion Page

Take note that this is reserved for Premium, O2O, and Enterprise plans 

  1. Go to [Promotions & Reward] > [Promotions] or [Bundle Promotions].
  2. On the product-level tab, hit Edit, and select Page & SEO.
  3. Click Update to save.

Responsive Design

In the age of smartphones, being flexible is key. Your website should be able to adapt to different screens and devices. 

Once your design is set, give it a test spin on various gadgets. Tweak based on the results to ensure your website is always looking good and easy to navigate, no matter the device.

It’s also best to avail of the services of a reputable SEO agency like SEOLeverage to make sure you’re not missing a thing on your website structure.

Optimize High-Quality Content

When diving into content optimization, the key is to understand your website theme thoroughly. 

Add a touch of uniqueness by incorporating insightful content, breaking news, or helpful tutorials. Avoid skimming the surface; instead, explore different angles to provide in-depth information. 

Spice up your content with personal opinions and experiences, adding vividness to your web page. Credibility comes from data, so use it judiciously to help readers grasp your topic better.

It should also pass the SEO readability algorithm analysis. 

Other content optimization tips you should follow include:

  • Use alt tags to rank for image search results. Provide accurate descriptions and incorporate keywords in your image alt tags. Steer clear of meaningless or repetitive text.
  • Place internal links. Create a web of connections all throughout your content by strategically placing internal links. This not only aids in user navigation but also increases conversion rates as users seamlessly move between relevant pages.
  • Optimize page loading speed. Optimize or compress images to trim downloading times. Choosing the right image formats contributes to a swift and efficient browsing experience.


Shopline isn't just about making e-commerce easy; it's also a way to stand out in the online crowd. With SEOLeverage by your side, you can take full advantage of Shopline and supercharge your online store. 

Break through boundaries, draw in a wider audience, up your traffic game, and watch those conversions soar. 

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