How To Recover From a Ranking Drop After a Google Update: A Guide

Experiencing a ranking drop after a Google update can be both frustrating and alarming for online course creators, ecommerce sites, coaches, and authors. As search engine algorithms evolve, it's essential to stay informed and adapt your strategies accordingly. In this guide, we'll investigate the potential causes of your ranking decline and provide strategies to help you recover.

We'll begin by analyzing your site for any algorithm changes that might have impacted your position in Google search results. Next, we will examine the importance of backlinks and how they could be affecting your rankings. Monitoring competitors is another crucial aspect of maintaining strong visibility on search engines; we'll discuss how keeping an eye on their activities can benefit you.

Furthermore, optimizing content plays a significant role in regaining lost ground after experiencing a ranking drop due to a Google update. We'll investigate methods for producing content that is both attractive to people and search engines. Finally, utilizing SEOLeverage™️ effectively will aid in improving overall performance within the ever-changing digital marketing landscape.

Your Rankings Dropped - What Now?

If you observe a sharp decline in your SEO rankings, don't be alarmed. It's possible that your site has been affected by a recent Google algorithm update. It's crucial to take steps to bounce back from any potential effects these algorithm changes may have on your website.

First, determine if there was indeed an algorithm update around the time when your Google ranking dropped dramatically. You can do this by checking reputable SEO news sources like Search Engine Land or following Google's official announcements on their Webmaster Central Blog

Once you confirm that an update has occurred, here are some steps you should take:

1. Analyze Your Site for Algorithm Changes

Verifying whether an algorithm change has had a detrimental effect on your site's rankings necessitates analyzing the website to determine any alterations that may have caused the decline. Here’s what you should do:

  • Confirm the update: First, verify if there was indeed an algorithm update by checking resources like SEOLeverage™️ blog, which provides information on recent updates.
  • Analyze search traffic data: Use tools like Google Analytics to examine how your organic search traffic has been impacted. Look for patterns in decline, such as specific pages or keywords losing visibility.
  • Audit technical SEO issues: Review your site for any technical problems that could be affecting its performance in search results. Common issues include broken links, slow page load times, and mobile-friendliness concerns.
  • Evaluate content quality: Assess whether your content is still relevant and valuable to users after the algorithm change. This includes examining keyword usage, readability levels, and overall user experience.

These will help you determine if a Google update is responsible for your ranking drop and what areas of your site need improvement. Remember that recovering from an algorithmic hit takes time. Stay patient while implementing necessary adjustments to stay on top of a search engine results page using SEO best practices.

2. Check Your Backlinks

To ensure your website's ranking remains unaffected by Google algorithm updates, make sure to audit the quality and quantity of existing backlinks. Regularly review your backlink profile to keep it compliant with Google's standards.

Audit Your Existing Backlinks

To begin, conduct a thorough audit of your existing backlinks using tools like Ahrefs, SEMRush, or Majestic SEO. These tools will help you identify any low-quality or spammy links that point to your site that might be hurting its rankings.

Analyze Link Quality Metrics

Next, analyze various link quality metrics such as Domain Authority (DA), Page Authority (PA), Trust Flow (TF), and Citation Flow (CF) for each linking domain. This will indicate the overall reliability and credibility of these domains. Aim for high-quality links from reputable websites with higher DA/PA scores.

Actionable tips:

  • Disavow toxic or spammy links by submitting a disavow file through Google Search Console if necessary.
  • Reach out to webmasters still linking to outdated content on your site, asking them to update their link(s).
  • Regularly monitor new inbound links using one of the above-mentioned tools' alerts feature.

Develop a Link Building Strategy

After auditing and analyzing your backlinks, it's time to develop a link-building strategy. Focus on earning high-quality links through guest posting, content marketing, influencer outreach, and other white-hat techniques. This will help improve your website's authority in the eyes of Google and potentially boost its rankings after an algorithm update.

Incorporating these steps into your SEO efforts can significantly impact how well you recover from any ranking drops due to Google updates. Remember that maintaining a healthy backlink profile is an ongoing process requiring consistent effort and monitoring.

Key Takeaway: 

To recover from a ranking drop after a Google update, it's essential to review your backlink profile regularly and disavow any toxic or spammy links. Analyzing link quality metrics such as Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA) can help identify high-quality links from reputable websites that can improve a website's authority in the eyes of Google. Developing a link-building strategy through white-hat techniques like guest posting and content marketing is also crucial for maintaining a healthy backlink profile.

3. Monitor Your Competitors

It’s essential to keep track of your competitor's SEO strategies, especially after a Google algorithm update. By monitoring their tactics, you can identify what's working for them and adapt your own approach. 

Here’s what you should do to stay ahead of the competition:

  • Analyze competitor websites: Regularly visit your competitor's sites to see if they've made any significant changes in response to the algorithm update. Look for new content, design alterations, or updated keywords.
  • Use SEO tools: Utilize various SEO tools that allow you to track and compare your site's performance against those of your competitors.
  • Observe social media activities: Keep tabs on their social media presence to gain insights into how they're promoting their content and engaging with their audience.
  • Evaluate backlink profiles: Analyze the quality and quantity of backlinks pointing to both your website and those of your competitors using tools like Ahrefs. This gives you an idea of where you need to make improvements in terms of link-building efforts.

Beyond just monitoring, it's essential also to learn from successful competitor strategies without directly copying them. Instead, use these insights as inspiration for developing unique tactics tailored specifically to your business needs.

The Importance Of Adapting To Algorithm Updates

Staying abreast of Google algorithm updates is paramount for both sustaining current rankings and recognizing potential chances to enhance your online presence. By closely monitoring competitor activity, you can better understand how these updates impact the industry and make informed decisions about where to adjust your SEO strategy.

An experienced SEO agency like SEOLeverage™️ can provide valuable insights into what's working in the market and gain an advantage over the competition after a Google update. With their expertise, they'll be able to guide you through any necessary changes and ensure your website remains optimized for search engine success.

Key Takeaway: 

To maintain your rankings after a Google algorithm update, it's essential to monitor your competitors' SEO strategies and adapt accordingly. Analyze their websites, use SEO tools, keep tabs on social media activity, and evaluate backlink profiles. Don't directly copy successful competitor strategies but use them as inspiration for developing unique tactics tailored specifically to your business needs.

4. Optimize Your Content

After identifying the possible causes of your Google rankings drop, it's time to optimize your content according to Google's latest algorithm update. Creating meaningful, relevant, and engaging material is imperative for preserving and improving your search engine rankings.

Conduct Keyword Research

To ensure that you're targeting the right keywords for your audience, conduct thorough keyword research. Identify high-volume and low-competition keywords related to your niche and incorporate them into your content naturally.

Improve Meta Tags

Meta tags can be an important factor in assisting search engines to comprehend the content of each page on a website. For every webpage, make sure you have unique and descriptive title tags and meta descriptions.

Enhance Readability & User Experience (UX)

Humans have short attention spans, and as such, ensure your content is easy to read with clear headings, short paragraphs, bullet points, or numbered lists where appropriate, images (when not restricted), videos if needed, etc. All of these contribute towards an enjoyable user experience.

Utilize Internal Linking Strategies

Internal linking strategies help improve the overall structure of a website by connecting related pages together. Both users and search engines alike will find it easier to navigate through the site efficiently while also boosting SEO performance by distributing link equity across multiple pages within one domain.

Keep Up With Algorithm Updates

Last but not least, always stay updated with any changes made by Google to their algorithms. This will enable you to adapt your content accordingly, ensuring it remains relevant and optimized for the latest search engine requirements.

By optimizing your content with these strategies in mind, you'll be better prepared to recover from a ranking drop after a Google algorithm update. However, if you're still struggling or need expert guidance, consider partnering with an SEO agency like SEOLeverage™️ to help get your website back on track.

Key Takeaway: 

To recover from a ranking drop after a Google algorithm update, optimize your content by conducting keyword research, improving meta tags, enhancing readability and user experience (UX), utilizing internal linking strategies, and keeping up with algorithm updates. These strategies will help maintain and improve search engine rankings. If you need expert guidance, consider partnering with an SEO agency like SEOLeverage™️ to get your website back on track.

5. Utilize SEOLeverage™️

If you're struggling to recover from a Google algorithm update, it's time to consider enlisting the help of an experienced SEO agency like SEOLeverage™️. Our specialists can examine your website and recognize potential areas for enhancement so that you can resume your SEO endeavors.

Here’s how SEOLeverage™️ can assist:

  • Audit Your Website: We'll perform a comprehensive audit of your site to pinpoint any issues that may have caused the Google rankings drop. This includes analyzing content quality, technical factors, and user experience.
  • Create an Action Plan: Based on our findings, we'll develop a customized action plan tailored specifically for your website. This will include recommendations for improving onsite optimization as well as offsite strategies such as link building and social media marketing.
  • Provide Monitoring & Reporting: As part of our service offering, we provide ongoing monitoring and reporting so you can stay informed about how your site is performing in search engine rankings. We monitor for any upcoming alterations or modifications in Google's protocols that could have an effect on your website's performance.

In addition to these services, working with SEOLeverage™️ provides several other benefits:

  1. We stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and best practices - ensuring that our client's websites remain competitive in today's ever-changing world.
  2. We use data-driven strategies backed by thorough research - allowing us to make informed decisions when optimizing client sites rather than relying solely on intuition or guesswork.
  3. We prioritize transparency and open communication - ensuring that our clients are always in the loop about their site's performance and any changes we're making to improve it.

Don't let a Google algorithm update derail your online success. Contact SEOLeverage™️ today, and let us help you regain your rankings on search engine result pages (SERPs) and get more traffic to your website.

Ranking Drop After Google Update FAQs

Why did my Google ranking suddenly drop?

A sudden drop in Google rankings can be attributed to various factors, such as algorithm updates, technical issues on your website, or manual action by Google. It's essential to monitor your site and check Google Search Console and address any potential issues promptly.

Why does my Google ranking keep changing?

Google rankings fluctuate due to ongoing algorithm updates, changes in user behavior, and competition for keywords. Staying up-to-date with algorithm changes, monitoring competitors, and continuously optimizing content will help maintain stable rankings.

Does Google Analytics affect ranking?

Google Analytics itself doesn't directly impact search engine rankings. However, it provides valuable insights into user behavior that can inform optimization strategies. Utilizing this data effectively can lead to improved visibility in organic traffic and higher search engine positions.

Why is Google ranking the wrong page?

If the wrong page ranks for a specific keyword or query, it could be due to duplicate content or poor internal linking structure. To resolve this issue: review on-page SEO elements like title tags and meta descriptions; use canonical tags; improve internal links; and consolidate similar pages if necessary.


If you're an online course creator, ecommerce site owner, coach, or author and have experienced a ranking drop after a Google update, don't panic! Instead, analyze your site for algorithm changes and check your backlinks.

By following the five steps above, you can quickly get back on track after Google rankings dropped. Keep an eye on what your competitors are doing to remain ahead of the curve and enhance all the material on your website. With some hard work and patience, you'll be able to recover from any ranking drops.

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