What is RankBrain?

RankBrain is an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm that assists Google in processing and understanding search queries and sorting search results. The development of this AI has transformed the way Google conducts searches.

With RankBrain, Google generates more relevant results for each query. Thus, using RankBrain to your advantage will help you increase organic traffic and conversions.

This post will teach you all there is to know about RankBrain, including the following topics:

  • Understanding how Google's RankBrain algorithm works
  • How RankBrain affects SEO
  • Tips on optimizing your content for RankBrain

Getting To Know RankBrain

RankBrain is a Google core algorithm component that uses a machine learning system to select the most relevant responses to search engine queries. Machine learning is the ability of machines to learn from data inputs.

This capability distinguishes RankBrain from other updates. Google first "feeds" the RankBrain algorithm data from numerous sources to "teach" it to produce the most relevant search results.

The algorithm then takes control, calculating and teaching itself throughout time to match a variety of inputs to a range of results. From there, it ranks the search engine results based on these calculations.

A few years ago, 15% of the keywords entered into Google were new and unrecognizable by its system.

Since these keywords were never encountered by Google before, it leaves the system stumped. Thus, Google thought of solutions how to provide more accurate and effective Google search results.

To help you rank on search engine results, you can hire SEO experts from SEOLeverage™️.

How Google RankBrain Algorithm Works

Before RankBrain, Google used its basic algorithm to decide which results to display for a given query. With RankBrain, the query goes through an interpretation model to identify the searcher's true intent.

RankBrain uses the following factors to determine the true intent of the searcher:

  • searcher's location,
  • personalization, and
  • the words in the query.

To better understand how RankBrain works, let us set an example.

A searcher inputs a query on the search engine: Eiffel Tower. Now, the algorithm will determine the true intent of the query.

Does the searcher want to know about Eiffel Tower in Paris, France? Or is the searcher referring to other Eiffel towers in other parts of the world?

If the basic algorithm answers this query, it will just use simple algorithm signals such as content quality or the number of links a content has to rank results for the searcher. Google will scan web pages for the exact words entered.

In this complicated query situation, RankBrain comes in handy. Google can choose which content to rank first by calculating results based on the patterns of the machine learning algorithm in searcher behavior.

For example, RankBrain may have noticed that most people searching "Eiffel Tower" want to see results about Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. Thus, the machine recognizes it and puts Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, on top of the Google search page.

RankBrain offers more than just keyword matching. It converts your search word into concepts. Then, it searches for pages that match that concept.

How Does RankBrain Affects SEO?

RankBrain allows Google's search algorithm to deliver users more relevant search results.

RankBrain is regarded as the third most important signal. Thus, it is an important ranking factor that you should consider.

The other important ranking factors for your page are content and links. You must generate high-quality material with significant internal and external links.

Hiring a skilled SEO consultant, like SEOLeverage™️, can aid help you with your site's organic growth. They will be up to date on all the latest updates and will also assist you in optimizing your page for Google RankBrain.

6 Tips on How To Optimize for RankBrain

1. Give importance to the user's intent

In organic searches, the intent is essential. It's about understanding what users want to see when they type a particular search query.

Users usually search for products and services to compare them. They prefer testimonials and reviews over sales pitches. Thus, articles about reviews of particular top products or services rank higher in the search engine.

Users will appreciate your content more if you understand the intent behind each keyword.

2. Produce content that will help users find the answer to their query

If your content does not solve the reader's problem for a specific query, Google is unlikely to rank it first.

The goal is to generate content that addresses your reader's inquiries about a specific search query.

Users searching for something on the web want specific and instant answers. Long paragraphs with no practical insights will not pique the curiosity of searchers. Instead, they like engaging, detailed guides or listicles.

3. Use the most-searched keywords on your content

RankBrain favors content quality and relevance, yet keywords are equally important ranking factors. Thus, keyword research is vital in optimizing content.

Including keywords people are looking for can help your content rank for those and other related keywords.

4. Use LSI keywords

Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords are words related to your primary keyword.

For example, if your target phrase is "top online photography classes," Google will rank content using various keywords and other relevant search terms similar to the list below.

One WordTwo WordsThree Words
photographyonlinecoursesClassesphotoonline photographyphotography classesphotography coursesfree onlinebest onlineonline photography classesonline photography coursesbest online photography

Don't limit yourself to just using the target keyword. Throughout your article, use terms that are logically connected. This method makes your information more relevant in a specific context, increasing your chances of ranking higher.

5. Create "clickable" headings by using numbers

Your content's title and headings determine whether or not people click on them. The organic click-through rate is a crucial ranking element for RankBrain.

Including numbers in your headings helps increase clicks.

You can also use numbers in the headlines of other blog entries. For example: "Simple 5-minute- exercises".

Putting numbers in the correct places piques your readers' interest, leading them to click on the headline.

6. Create compelling meta descriptions

Your meta description has no direct impact on your rankings. However, it has an impact on your click-through rate.

Create a captivating meta description that people will find difficult to ignore. Try the following tips below to make your meta descriptions clickable.

  • Make it emotional so you can convey emotions to your readers.
  • Give searchers a reason to click on your headline.
  • Remember to use target keywords.

Optimize for RankBrain to Drive More Traffic

The introduction of RankBrain into the Google algorithm was an exciting breakthrough. This trend is expected to continue as search engines seek to make their algorithms smarter to enhance the user experience.

To rank well with RankBrain, you must improve and optimize your content. It all comes down to understanding the user's search intent and creating relevant content for them.

The more users who enjoy your material, the more likely your page will rank. Consult with an SEO professional from SEOLeverage™️ to drive more organic traffic to your website.